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Book Shelf


Book Chapter

Pinkney, K. (2024). Chapter 2.6: Vindicated Standpoint. In C. Williams III & T. Mikolon (Eds.), The Making of a mental health professional: Inspirational and motivational stories of challenges, victories, and wisdom. (pp. 35-36). Cognella Academic Publishing .  PURCHASE HERE

Book Chapter

Pinkney, K. (2024). Strong, Black, and depressed: A violation of therapeutic professional boundaries. In T. Suri, M.K. Brammer, & H.C. Sands (Eds.), Sticky situations: A collection of tales on counseling the counselor. (pp. 71-92). Dio Press. PURCHASE HERE

Book Chapter

Pinkney, K. E. (2024). Untangling Black hair: Black women’s eternal search for self and beauty. In T.M. Glover (Ed.), How did we survive? African-American women and the trauma within (pp. 119-143). Nova Science Publishers.   


Journal Article

Harrison, A. & Pinkney, K.E. (2024). Understanding the experiences and counseling needs of Black women and infertility. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy

Journal Article

Pinkney, K. E. (2021). Anti-racist practice: I am accountable. Are you? Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 43(3), 279-280.

Journal Article

Pinkney, K. E. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic: Inequities in higher education and impact on US college students failing mental health [Special issue]. Journal of Human Services, 40(2), 44-55.

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